…or what happens when intrusive thoughts are allowed to do the planning…
As per tradition, it is almost time to go to England again and celebrate Yule and the coming of the new calendar year with some of the best people I have ever had the privilege of knowing but as it turns out there was just enough time to squeeze in another short trip before that.
A little backstory…
Some time ago a wild Russian appeared in my circles bringing with him not only a lot of fun times but also some great music and that’s how I came to learn about an awesome Belarusian band called Intelligency. A minimalist electronic act that describe themselves as “technoblues” and honestly, I can’t think of better word for it. It’s got a very unique musical flavour and I fell for it instantly! Recently, they put out a new album and are doing a small tour of Eastern Europe, something I also know thanks to that dear Russian friend. They were scheduled for a show in Berlin so for fun I went to check the ticket prices only to learn that that particular show had been canceled but there was one in Warsaw and thought it might be fun to go.

But… Being autistic me no decision ever comes easily, it has to be weighed and argued and counter argued and turned over and back and inside out and often it results in me just doing nothing because I loop it all around until I end up in an argument equilibrium where I find as many reasons to do something as not to do something. That is the truth of my reality. However, the Universe decided to lend me a hand this time. For fun I checked out the airline prices for Warsaw and found a really cheap return ticket so I carried on and, still just for the fun of it, checked available hotels in Warsaw and came across one that turned out to be within my price range, had great ratings, were available and to top it off, were within minutes of walking from the venue where Intelligency is playing. It seemed that it was meant to be!

Of course, I wasn’t done agonizing over the decision for another hour or so, gotta stay true to myself, but finally my brain was beaten into submission and I started making the reservations and bookings and before long a three night stay in Warsaw was all ready to rock’n’roll!
I’ve been to Warsaw before but it was a very, very long time ago. In fact, when I was last there, the Berlin Wall was still standing and communism ruled Poland so I suspect a lot has changed. Not that I cared about communism back then because I was, like, eight or nine years old, I cared about G.I. Joe and morning cartoons and chocolate milk. In that order.
But chocolate milk is pretty good so there’s that!
However, providence or Lady Luck wasn’t done with me yet and through a series of unexplained events I learned that there’s a gun range in Warsaw that’s open to the public! And I’ve never shot a gun before!
Well, I’ve shot a .22LR rifle on one occasion and a couple of shells from a shotgun on another occasion but never handguns and stuff like that. Stuff I need to shoot, you know? You know!

So I booked a trip to the gun range, too, so I can shoot a wide range of cool guns including an AK-47 and a MAC 11 (maybe a 10) that’s tricked out to look like the one Snake Plissken has in Escape From New York!
It’s gonna be so cool, I giggle in a kinda maniacal manner every time I think about it and it’s probably only gonna get worse!
One week to go until I’m there, on the trip before the travel…
Thanks for reading!
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